Nate joined Ben Johnson on his podcast, The Perpetual Chess Podcast, for an hour-long discussion on Nate’s chess journey as a top youth player, his successes, and also his setbacks. They talk about Mindmates, Nate’s inspirations for its creation, practice some exercises, and discuss his plans with Mindmates in the future!  

How I Use Oura for a Competitive Edge as a High School Chess Champion: Oura member Nate S. uses Oura and mindfulness training to win National Chess Championships, as well as balance life in high school.

In this article, Nate Shuman, a graduating high school senior, reflects on his 13 years of scholastic chess. Authoring the cover story for the February 2024 issue of Chess Life Kids magazine, Nate describes how chess impacted his life both on and off the chessboard, and highlights the hard work, friendships, and community relationships along the way.

NM Nate Shuman joins the elite young chess players at the US Chess School to share a Mindmates presentation composed of various mindfulness exercises and tips to use throughout tournaments. Nate emphasizes the importance of recovery and setting a routine. Check it out!

I am proud to announce the development of our own Mindmates chess notation journal. This book encapsulates the importance of goal-setting, preparation, and recovery before, during, and after chess games. It utilizes short, easily accessible exercises, reflection sheets, and recovery pages and combines them with a classic chess scoresheet, to create an all-in-one notation journal. Check out our Instagram for a sneak peek of a few pages, but get one for yourself to use all of the tools provided!

During the summer of 2019, Nate Shuman sat down with Al Lawrence, an American chess expert and author, where he discussed his chess journey to date. As a rising 8th grader, Nate expressed his love for sports and competition, and highlighted his biofeedback and meditation work.